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Since 2011, The YP Foundation has been meaningfully delivering pleasuring affirming, rights-based and youth centric information through Comprehensive Sexuality Education across geographies of Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Delhi-NCR.
To address the needs and concerns and provide stigma-free and pleasure affirming information on changes during adolescence, TYPF has created an intersectional queer-feminist and pleasure -centric curriculum on Comprehensive Sexuality Education for adolescents aged 14 years and above. This has been successfully implemented with more than 13000 young people from across schools and community settings in diverse geographical locations. Acknowledging the demand for CSE, we are making this curriculum and toolkit available for others who wish to implement or adapt this intervention and approach.
This curriculum brings together the cumulative experience and work of young people who have co-journeyed with us as participants and leaders to translate the vision of youth led access to information and rights on ground. It is built upon the evidence that has been generated and collated by different organizations with extensive experience of working in the field of Comprehensive Sexuality Education with young people. It follows a rights-based and pleasure affirming approach and the overarching principles to Comprehensive Sexuality Education as outlined by the Revised Edition of the ‘International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education: An evidence-informed approach’ (UNESCO, 2018) and the IPPF Framework for C.S.E. (2010). The content of the C.S.E. curriculum aligns with the age-appropriate content and learning outcomes that are listed down by both UNESCO and IPPF.
It also stands on the shoulders of partner organizations and activists who did pioneering work on sexuality and gender issues as well as youth leadership and rights that we have learnt and drawn from heavily. We also acknowledge the support of our donors and partners who have made this work possible.
In addition to this curriculum, a shorter and simpler curriculum on comprehensive sexuality education has been designed to break the stigmas and taboos and provide pleasure affirming and rights based information to adolescents aged 9-13 years.