The YP Foundation’s work on Comprehensive Sexuality Education and with young men and boys was recently highlighted in Tackling the Taboo: Sexuality and Gender-Transformative Programmes to End Child, Early and Forced Marriage and Unions. The report, which features TYPF as a case study from South Asia, specifically highlights the Know Your Body Know Your Rights programme and its sex-positive curriculum. It further elaborates on the intersectional, rights-based, and youth-centric approach that TYPF adopts in all its work. This study has also been mentioned in an op-ed authored by the Kendeda Fund and published in Chronicle of Philanthropy, titled Sex and Power: How Foundations Can Attack the Roots of Child Marriage. Recognising the need to address the deeply entrenched patriarchal roots of child, early, and forced marriages, the op-ed also highlights TYPF’s work with “young men and boys in India to encourage them to analyze power and patriarchy, recognize their own privilege in society, and reject it while also holding other men and boys accountable for the way they treat women and girls.”