The objective of this training was to expose the youth to policy advocacy related information and skills, in which they were also successful to a large extent. Along with this, in the workshop, how to build a movement and its relation to policy change was also discussed by experts. Since I myself was a part of this training, I consider myself competent to analyze the aspects of this entire training workshop.
The objective of this training was to expose the youth to policy advocacy related information and skills, in which they were also successful to a large extent. Along with this, in the workshop, how to build a movement and its relation to policy change was also discussed by experts. Since I myself was a part of this training, I consider myself competent to analyze the aspects of this entire training workshop.
The YP Foundation from 18th to 21st July 2017(New Delhi) had organized a workshop on ‘Training of Youth Advocates’, where young social workers from different regions of the country participated. In this article with Feminism in India, Swati Singh shares her experience covering the activities, discussions, and reflections over the four days of the workshop.